Panhard crankshaft pulley
Sunday 03 July 2011 Filed in: Panhard Ignition
I recently bought a newer CAD package, so rather than use Ashlar Vellum from the late 80’s on a G4 Cube, I can now use my Intel iMac & MacBook Pro, which are significantly faster. The software also has a number of export options, and I recently did a test .dxf file export to a laser cutting company, and everything translated between the differing computer platforms & softwares flawlessly. The parts were used in the engine stand.
To get used to the software some more, I started to redraw some Panhard components, that I had drawn up years ago, but were in the older format. This is the start of the new dynamo pulley, which is really going to become an alternator pulley. It should be obvious which is which if you’ve seen the components before, but original part is the bottom image, with the my updated version on top.
Final timing gear design, 60-2 drawn, or pulley drive belt section not fixed yet, as aftermarket low cost alternator or the VR sensor location isn’t finalised.

To get used to the software some more, I started to redraw some Panhard components, that I had drawn up years ago, but were in the older format. This is the start of the new dynamo pulley, which is really going to become an alternator pulley. It should be obvious which is which if you’ve seen the components before, but original part is the bottom image, with the my updated version on top.
Final timing gear design, 60-2 drawn, or pulley drive belt section not fixed yet, as aftermarket low cost alternator or the VR sensor location isn’t finalised.

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