I have had a huge rethink on the parts situation, so there will now be less options available in the future, but these will be more focussed.
The additional high capacity sump has been shelved, because the costs of production are too great and there is a commercial available OEM variant you can buy that will cover 90% of most users requirements. The oil filtration has been scaled down to suit one off modifications, and as there are plethora of other more costly solutions available, I'll leave the personal choices to others. I really don't think there is a huge need for Hampe based developments for the average road going user, especially if you look at the basics and modernise the combustion processes, but It's fair to say, I am probably alone in this line of thinking.
I do have some further oil related works in hand, and I am trialling a new mod to the oil circuit, where I replace the oil pump bypass valve in the oil pump baseplate with a new one in the camshaft gallery. I am essentially tweaking the new oil light piston to replace this. More on this later.
As I will be using an internal trigger wheel for the future, the prior front pulley & associated trigger wheel design work is redundant. The next generation of big bore pistons have been developed, as have the replacement liners, but because the 2012 engine is so strong, the big bore project has been put on hold, whilst I refine the 2012 piston design. I also have a new aluminium front timing cover that allows the fitment of a modern crankshaft seal, assuming a simple mod is carried out on the OEM front pulley, and this cover can be ordered with two sensor holes for the IMFsoft Ignition TCI module, or one sensor hole for the MicroSquirt module. There is a new 36-1 camshaft trigger wheel being developed for the MicroSquirt, and all these ignition developments are designed to work with the replacement aluminium camshaft gear.
The additional high capacity sump has been shelved, because the costs of production are too great and there is a commercial available OEM variant you can buy that will cover 90% of most users requirements. The oil filtration has been scaled down to suit one off modifications, and as there are plethora of other more costly solutions available, I'll leave the personal choices to others. I really don't think there is a huge need for Hampe based developments for the average road going user, especially if you look at the basics and modernise the combustion processes, but It's fair to say, I am probably alone in this line of thinking.
I do have some further oil related works in hand, and I am trialling a new mod to the oil circuit, where I replace the oil pump bypass valve in the oil pump baseplate with a new one in the camshaft gallery. I am essentially tweaking the new oil light piston to replace this. More on this later.
As I will be using an internal trigger wheel for the future, the prior front pulley & associated trigger wheel design work is redundant. The next generation of big bore pistons have been developed, as have the replacement liners, but because the 2012 engine is so strong, the big bore project has been put on hold, whilst I refine the 2012 piston design. I also have a new aluminium front timing cover that allows the fitment of a modern crankshaft seal, assuming a simple mod is carried out on the OEM front pulley, and this cover can be ordered with two sensor holes for the IMFsoft Ignition TCI module, or one sensor hole for the MicroSquirt module. There is a new 36-1 camshaft trigger wheel being developed for the MicroSquirt, and all these ignition developments are designed to work with the replacement aluminium camshaft gear.

These are some liners I had made, the liner labelled 1 is for Peter Breed's 85,25mm JE Pistons, and the one numbered 2 is for my 85,50mm Omega pistons. They are undergoing testing in Brian's & later in the dyno engine. Hopefully these will come under 150€ each.

This new timing cover is manufactured from solid aluminium billet, and is a direct replacement for the OEM solution, but it does mean you have to mod the front pulley to take a modern seal. Fortunately this is relatively easy to do, and as a result you can change to a modern oil seal, and upgrade the ignition too. There is a one sensor or two sensor ignition system depending on the requirements of the user, and whether twin plugged cylinders, OEM carburettors or EFI are required. I hope to make these available for approximately 150€.
UPDATE 1 September 2013
I have rejigged the design, so now there are three versions.
A direct replacement for the OEM cover, with no sensor holes, which is for those people that just want to fit a modern oil seal.
A special one sensor hole version, which accepts a modern oil seal, and gives more clearance for a camshaft trigger wheel, allowing the use of low cost programmable engine management units, like the MicroSquirt or MegaSquirt.
A two sensor hole version specially developed to use the Czech Imfsoft low cost programmable electronic IgnitionTCI 6.1. This supports twin plugging the cylinders, as well as adding MAP sensor & TPS or temperature sensor variables to a RPM scale.

Update 1 October 2013
I have changed the seal size for the latest CAD model to 68mm OD, this allows for more variation, in pulley sleeving, although I have designed and am having made a new pulley design, which will be available in two version. Normal V belt, and a more modern poly vee variant, suitable for some of the small modern alternators on the market.

Brand new valve design…coming Spring 2014

From all of these developments, you will get a substantial and considered improvement to the OEM engine, but the biggest gains will be a major upgrade to the drivability, and performance of the flat twin Panhard engine.
All of these parts will be tested, and the results will be available for all to see. If I don't beat 35 hp at the wheels, I will stop breathing! :)
UPDATE 7 August 2013
Brian's engine although short lived through valve head failure was extremely powerful, and very smooth. The drivability was massively changed even when running the standard ignition and carburettor, so much so you could just about set off in second, and then go into top once you were moving! The feedback from this engine has put the 2014 big bore engine on hold, and made me concentrate on the dyno engine, which will measure and quantify the improvements over the OEM engine.
Brian's engine is currently being repaired, but I have decided to renew all the valves, and replace them with newly designed alternatives.